The End is Nigh for Microsoft's Windows 7 Operating System
on 6 February 2019
Support for Windows 7 will cease in January 2020; are you prepared?
As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Over the recent years, Microsoft has slowly been scaling back support for the Windows 7 operating system, but in January next year support will officially come to a close.
When Windows 7 becomes end of life on January 14 2020, security vulnerabilities and software bugs will no longer be patched by Microsoft - which could leave your machine ins...
Posted in:SecurityITIT ConsultingNetworking Security |
Hacking - A sophisticated threat to business
Posted by Michael Trimblett
on 25 January 2019
Unfortunately, a business was harmed in the making of this true story.
"Your files have been encrypted. Please submit payment within 48 hours to restore your data." Can you imagine turning on your computer tomorrow and finding all of your business data inaccessible? Could you continue trading, or would your business come to a halt? This is the precise scenario a small business was recently faced with. The business owners in this article, like many pe...
"Your files have been encrypted. Please submit payment within 48 hours to restore your data." Can you imagine turning on your computer tomorrow and finding all of your business data inaccessible? Could you continue trading, or would your business come to a halt? This is the precise scenario a small business was recently faced with. The business owners in this article, like many pe...
Posted in:SecurityITIT ConsultingNetworking Security |
How to ensure your I.T. is working for your business
Posted by Michael Trimblett
on 14 September 2018
To be successful, a small to medium business must be seamlessly efficient and provide an outstanding customer experience. Your Information Technology should be the backbone of this goal. By investing in quality, reliable, proven I.T. infrastructure, you remove the likelihood of down-time, allowing you to concentrate on running your business and providing excellent service. Anything less will be costing you money in inefficiencies and downtime.
The Four Pillars of an effective I.T. N...
The Four Pillars of an effective I.T. N...
Posted in:ITIT ConsultingComputer SoftwareNetworking Security |
Scam Alert! Aug 2018
on 1 August 2018
The latest phishing attack has made its way to the Loyal I.T. helpdesk today - with a cleverly disguised PDF attachment that asks for your email credentials.
You may have email correspondence back-and-forth with a potential client or customer that on the surface appears legitimate, but quickly goes sour once they attach a PDF document they say is related to their query, or is confirmation of their purchase.
This PDF may also appear legitimate - with a warning inside that says it ...
You may have email correspondence back-and-forth with a potential client or customer that on the surface appears legitimate, but quickly goes sour once they attach a PDF document they say is related to their query, or is confirmation of their purchase.
This PDF may also appear legitimate - with a warning inside that says it ...
Posted in:MiscITNetworking Security |
Business data backup by the numbers 321
Posted by Michael Trimblett
on 11 June 2018
Like currency, your business data is life-blood; and there are many ways that business data can be lost.
Why is a reliable backup process necessary? Small to medium-sized business are statistically more likely to lose data and it can be devastating. Here's why:
You lose a big part of your currency to operate
You spend a significant amount of time and money re-working important files
You could be unknowingly contravening the privacy act
Unscrupulous people ...
Posted in:SecurityServicesITIT Consulting |
Most businesses must now report data breaches
Posted by Michael Trimblett
on 9 May 2018
Protecting your business data is no longer just common sense
The chances are that if you experience any form of data breach, then not only is your company's information at risk but you are also at risk of breaching the privacy act. It's often assumed that data breach only means being hacked by a sophisticated gang from a rogue nation trying to influence votes or steal national secrets; It is more often associated with the wrongful acquisition of personal information that is res...
Posted in:SecurityNewsServicesIT ConsultingNetworking Security |