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What is Ethical Hacking?

Posted by Michael Trimblett and Deb Cashion on 15 October 2021
What is Ethical Hacking?

Hacking, usually, is defined as an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose.  Hackers can destroy, steal or even prevent authorised users from accessing the system.

Ethical hacking involves an authorised attempt to gain unauthorised access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.  This is done to highlight vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a computer system which may leave the client open to cyber-attacks.

Early in 2021 the Federal Government launched an initiative to protect Australian businesses from cyberattacks. On behalf of this initiative Loyal I.T. Solutions is exclusively delivering the project on the Central Coast - the aim is for all businesses to have the appropriate safeguards against cyberattacks. To meet the needs of our clients in regards to Cyber Security, Loyal I.T. Solutions has launched Cyber Security Business Connect and Protect Central Coast which is spearheaded by Michael Trimblett who is a Certified Ethical Hacker. As an Ethical Hacker, Michael has legally hacked over eighty servers where the vulnerable servers suffer from poorly patched operating systems, poor internal security policies, poor passwords and poorly programmed software, amongst other vulnerabilities. Michael’s job is to make sure this does not describe your system.

A Certified Ethical Hacker has undergone rigorous training and testing to maintain their accreditation.  They have had background checks completed on them to ensure they only operate for the most moral and ethical reasons.  There are many hackers in the world, but few are certified and trained to meet the client’s best interest.

It is recommended that when you are looking at authorising someone to hack into your systems or provide you with vulnerability reports, that you always seek out someone who is a Certified Ethical Hacker, so you have that extra security and confidence in their knowledge, training and ethics.

If you’d like to know more, keep an eye on these pages as we cover more interesting topics in Hacktober.  Also, you can book for your free, no obligation one-on-one cyber security assessment today with Cyber Security Business Connect and Protect Central Coast! http://loyalit.com.au/register.

Author:Michael Trimblett and Deb Cashion
Tags:Cyber Security

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