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Understanding Changes in Domain Name Registration

Posted by Katrina Woolcott on 19 March 2025
Understanding Changes in Domain Name Registration

Navigating the New Landscape of .au Domain Name Registration

The AuDa, the regulating body for .au domain names are running eligibility checks to confirm each Registrant is eligible to hold an .au domain name at the time of renewal. 

The ABN/ACN number associated with the registration must be eligible to hold the Domain registration.

Where AuDa deems an ineligibility exists a Change of Registrant (CoR) will need to be actioned to maintain the registration for your Domain to an entity that is eligible to hold it.

This is done by conducting the CoR to an alternate organisation with the right to hold the domain name licences. 

If Loyal I.T. Solutions manages your Domain, we will be notified by our supplier and will then contact you to arrange the CoR.  In most cases, this will incur a fee, along with forgoing any remaining time on the current domain, but you will be notified beforehand.

Where a CoR is required; in the case of Sole Traders, this can be resolved by reactivating the sole trader ABN. 

If your domain is using an active Trust ABN, a copy of the Trust Deed will need to be provided, or the section identifying the trustee.

You are able to perform a CoR if you meet section 5.5 of the 2004-01 - Complaints - (Registrant Eligibility) Policy, which states if;

a) You have a document dated prior to when the associated ABN was invalid, stating that the domain license was sold or gifted to the entity or individual currently using the domain name.

b) the transfer meets the requirements to hold the domain name listed in auDA's Transfers (Change of Registrant) Policy (2011-03).

How Loyal I.T. Can Help

At Loyal I.T., we understand that navigating regulatory changes can be challenging. Our team is committed to providing seamless transitions to ensure your business remains compliant with the latest regulations. We offer comprehensive support to:

  • Assess your current domain registration details.
  • Handle the administrative processes involved in updating your domain name registration.

Our dedicated team is here to make the transition as smooth as possible, allowing you to focus on what's most important—running your business.

For more information or assistance with changing your domain name registration details, contact us today at 02 4337 0700 or reception@loyalit.com.au.

Stay compliant, stay ahead, and let Loyal I.T. support you through these changes.

For More information around the policy click on the link below.

2019-01 - .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing Policy, Section 2.14 of the policy states that a registrant may renew their domain license provided that they continue to be eligible to hold their domain name license.


Author:Katrina Woolcott
Tags:SecurityNewsServicesCyber SecurityDomains

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Navigating the New Landscape of .au Domain Name Registration
The AuDa, the regulating body for .au domain names are runni...
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