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Preventing the automatic update to Windows 10

Posted by Michael Trimblett on 21 April 2016
Preventing the automatic update to Windows 10

If you are on Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, you may be sick and tired of Windows constantly hounding you to upgrade to Windows 10.  Whilst Windows 10 is a solid product, upgrading is often fraught with danger.  Incompatibilities with hardware and software are the biggest reason not to upgrade.  The hours required to fix a system after a failed upgrade is the next biggest reason to never upgrade to Windows 10.

Now there is something you can do about it.  Never10 is a product developed and written by world renown network security researcher Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation.  Steve, like many of our clients, is not wanting to move to Windows 10 because of the aforementioned reasons.  To further complicate things, Microsoft has recently moved the Windows 10 update on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 from the "optional" section to the "recommended" section.  The default setting for Windows Updates is to automatically install all "recommended" updates.  This means one day you are happily using Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 and after rebooting your computer you could be using Windows 10.  This poses a lot of problems on business networks as there are often software products in use that are not compatible with Windows 10.

Steve decided to do something about this.  Never10 is a freeware product provided by the Gibson Research Corporation.  Never10 does as it says, it permanently turns off the Windows 10 upgrade notification and disables Windows ability to upgrade to Windows 10 at a click of a button; potentially saving you many hours of frustration and expense.  Since its release at the beginning on April 2016, at time of writing it has attracted almost 250,000 downloads!  Given these figures, there are plenty of people not wanting to upgrade to Windows 10.

If you are sick of the constant reminders to upgrade to Windows 10, download and run Never10.  If you would like assistance, please give our helpdesk a call on 02 4337 0700 or email help@loyalit.com.au and one of our friendly consultants will be able to assist you.

Read more about Never10 here.

*Note: Loyal I.T. Solutions is not affiliated with Gibson Research Corporation and the use of Never10 is at your own risk.

Michael TrimblettAuthor:Michael Trimblett
About: Michael has been in the information technology industry since 1998 and has a passion for everything technology. He has a technical background as a qualified network engineer, project manager and is qualified as a Certified Ethical Hacker.
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