Microsoft Azure Active Directory Security Defaults
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 27 March 2023
In May 2022, Microsoft announced that it will be automatically enforcing more secure default settings, known as "security defaults" on all existing Microsoft 365 (Azure AD) tenants. Although clients who came on board with the Microsoft portal after October 2019 are already protected, Microsoft is running a campaign to move all users to multi factor authentication (MFA) when logging into the portal. They are currently sending notifications via ...
Posted in:SecurityMiscCyber Security |
Cyber Security Terminology
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 15 March 2023
Cyber security is a concern for all technology users, and hackers and scammers are finding new ways to scam and hack consumers and businesses. Sometimes the terminology can be hard to understand, so this blog is designed to give you the plain English definition of current hacking and scamming terms.
Baiting - A type of social engineering attack where a scammer uses a false promise to lure a victim into a trap which may steal personal and financial information or inflict the system wi...
Posted in:SecurityNetworking SecurityCyber Security |
Important news for small business regarding Cyber Security
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 7 March 2023
2022 was a bad year for hacks and scams, especially those targeting businesses. The third Annual Cyber Threat Report by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to June 2022 reported these scary statistics:
An increase in financial losses due to business email compromise of over $98 million
Over 76,0000 cybercrime reports (one every 7 minutes)
A rise in the average cost per cybercrime report to over $39,000 for small business, $88,000 for medium business, a...
Posted in:SecurityNetworking SecurityCyber Security |
Multi Factor Authentication – the first step in security
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 20 February 2023
Recent attacks on major companies resulting in massive loss of personal information has enforced stricter regulations for company security. Insurance companies are requesting information from their policy holders on the insured company's cyber security before policies are granted and there is talk of updating The Privacy Act to hold more accountability for organisations in relation to personal security of their clients and staff (see here for The Attorney General's Priv...
Posted in:SecurityNetworking SecurityCyber Security |
Top 5 fun things you can do on your personal computer
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 16 February 2023
Computers are not just for business anymore. With most people having access to a computer at home, there are many fun things you can do on your computer. Here's a list of the Top 5 Fun things to do on your computer
Personalise your computer
You can change your background on your computer to make it something really unique. First step is to go to your desktop (with no applications showing), then with your mouse right click. One of the options is "Personalise" - click ...
Posted in:MiscComputer Software |
Social Engineering and the Hacker
Posted by Deb Cashion
on 10 February 2023
What is social engineering?
Social engineering, in the context of cyber security, is the psychological manipulation by a hacker, in hopes of people divulging private or secure information to them.
How do hackers use social engineering?
Hackers use social engineering to perform their hacks and scams utilising the key principles listed below.
Authority – the hacker will pretend to be a person of authority. This is prevalent in tax office scams, Microsoft h...
Posted in:SecurityNetworking SecurityCyber Security |